Appliance update: texisScripts-16.1.0

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Appliance update: texisScripts-16.1.0

Post by Kai »

A new update is available: texisScripts-16.1.0. It contains numerous minor fixes, including:

Fix for "REX: Invalid escape sequence `\>=!<\!--/...' " error messages in walks (from Keep Tags/Ignore Tags) after texis-7.06.1462... update
Missing database in profile now detected earlier, causes one error instead of many
<div ...> was appearing in bottom of Walk Status around some walk-startup errors
<RssUrl> in XML output may have contained unencoded spaces
Support crawling XML documents (sitemap etc.) served with content type application/xml, not just text/xml
Test Fetch now shows a link to test-fetch each link of the tested URL
Test Fetch was sometimes misreporting Index text and/or Follow links
RSS URL in <link rel...> in look and feel top may have had encoded space replaced with 1
Some earlier (but still current-visit) error messages may be lost (not logged) for URLs, e.g. if meta robots NOINDEX logged under high Verbosity, or if XML processing had errors
Support added for sitemaps gzipped via Content-Type, not just Transfer-Encoding
Fix type in restore settings form.
End-of-walk email's attached errors had unnecessary blank lines
All Parametric or Additional Fields now always shown in Test Fetch; was only showing them if Data from Field and value non-empty
On Parametric search appliances, choosing Standard profile type at profile creation now immediately creates the profile, for convenience and consistency with standard appliance. Must choose Parametric profile type to create Parametric fields.
Added ability to download additional details in profile task viewer
Handle console resolutions other than 80x25
CJK Mode Simple was not letting an ASCII term adjacent to CJK characters be found in a search for the ASCII term
Renamed Clicks from Home setting to Depth in Site to maintain consistency with search interface
Show correct file type icon for .docm, .xlsm, .pptm files (macro-enabled Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Fixed betsbets in metasearch incorrectly showing the file icon of the first result
Fixed appliance rejecting authProxy searches as Not Allowed
Fixed the administrative login form showing multiple times when logging in via HTTPS

The update is available via the System -> System Setup -> Update Software menu.
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