extension txt does not seem to work

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extension txt does not seem to work

Post by zephyr0 »

i installed 4.4.15 on a win2k box with apache . install went fine and things seemed to work except for:

1. files with extension .txt are not picked up. it does a fine job for htm, html. but but .txt. i checked the all wlak settings are .txt is listed as an extension. i added it in a second time for a little overkill.

and yes, there are a couple txt files in the search directory. im able to do a search on any htm or html. but not txt.

the walk status screen does not list any txt files as found.

2. for searching by category, it is possible to use short relative urls versus the full. ie, use /cost/* versus http://xxx.ttt.local/cost/*

i tried the relative and it does not seem to work.

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extension txt does not seem to work

Post by mark »

Go to list/edit urls. Find a page that links to a .txt page. Click on it, then click on the "children" link. See if your .txt file is listed and if there's any error next to it. Or if it's clickable click it to see what was found in the file.

Turn verbosity up to 4 and do a new walk. Check the error report as to why the .txt's are being rejected.

You can use */cost/* for the url pattern if that's unique enough for you.
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extension txt does not seem to work

Post by zephyr0 »

tks for the quick response mark.
for the txt question, i see the txt file on the list/edit url for the home/ top dir only. they are not listed under a subdir (although htms in the subdir ARE listed). strange. no errors. just not listed in the sub.

for the url pattern, yes, using */cost/* works very find. you may wish to add a word or two (or example) in the manual.
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extension txt does not seem to work

Post by mark »

Not sure I follow you. On your website go to your home page (the one you gave to webinator as a base url). Click down until you get to a page with .txt links. Find that url in list/edit urls. Click it's children link to see if the .txt's are listed and if there's any error associated with them. If they are listed and clickable, they are in the database. If they are listed and not clickable they were found but rejected. If there's an error message in parens next to the url that's the reason for rejection. If there's no reason, turn verbosity up to 4 and do a new walk. Then repeat the procedure to find the reason for rejection.
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extension txt does not seem to work

Post by zephyr0 »

tks mark.
its a wierd thing. did what you suggested. saw all the files with verbosity 4. (pretty slick and nice btw).
but my txt file was not listed at all.
then i noticed that webinator was picking up the index map from apache for the directory (which is what i expected). but my file was not on the index map. which of course would mean that texis would not have anything to munch on.

it seems that files or format readme*.txt are not on the apache map. when i changed to xreadme.txt, all was in order.
who or what is suppressing readme.txt being listed in the directory index map for apache 2.0.48 will have to wait for a different day.

tks for the help. i am rather pleased at your product.
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extension txt does not seem to work

Post by mark »

If you look into apache's httpd.conf and search for "readme" you'll probably find the culprit pretty quickly.
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