License violation: Max Hits

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License violation: Max Hits

Post by brozen0 »


When I go to the webinator admin script via the web, I get the following:

Texis Web Script (Vortex) Copyright (c) 1996-2005 Thunderstone - EPI, Inc.
Free Webinator Version 5.01.1123091539 20050803 (i686-unknown-linux2.4.9-64-32)

License Information

License violation (Max Hits) since Sep 11 2005 09:48:20 EDT
License disabled
Current time is: Sep 11 2005 16:26:07 EDT
Init since boot: Sep 4 2005 02:01:07 EDT
License created: Sep 17 2002 14:19:08 EDT
License expires: never
License verified: Sep 11 2005 14:30:48 EDT
Maximum version: unlimited
Serial number: 4284
Current hits a day: 10063 since Sep 11 2005 05:39:44 EDT
Previous days: Sep 10: 10054 Sep 9: 10070 Sep 8: 10060 Sep 7: 1290 Sep 6: 11
00 Sep 5: 1040 Sep 4: 704 Sep 3: 0 May 30: 1221 Mar 09 2005: 277
Highest hits a day: 10070
Maximum hits a day: 10000
Current table rows: 0
Maximum table rows: 10000
Flags: Non-intranetable
Texis flags: Index Trig Del Upd Ins Sel Grant Revoke Viol. no create No anytotx
SSL Schema-restricted
Vortex flags: Texis name Env check Comment (c) Visible (c) Create Webinator tabl
es Web server
Texis monitor process: pid 24076

September 8th is when we finally got things back up and running (due to changes on our server, webinator wasn't walking the sites properly until then) -- and now I'm wondering if the rewalks are causing the problems. Unfortunately, I have no way to see because I can't even access the admin script due to this.

Any ideas on what I can do? Maybe manually turning off the schedule so that we can figure out if that is the problem?


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License violation: Max Hits

Post by brozen0 »

Mistake -- that's what I get when I type in "texis -license".

I get this when I go to the admin script on the web:
Texis Web Script (Vortex) Copyright © 1996-2005 Thunderstone - EPI, Inc.
Free Webinator Version 5.01.1123091539 20050803 (i686-unknown-linux2.4.9-64-32)

000 License violation: Max Hits
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License violation: Max Hits

Post by mark »

The admin interface should still mostly work when you're in violation.
You're running with a free license. Did you purchase a license? If so put the license.upd file into the install directory and run
texis -update
You can wipe your schedules with
texis -wipesched
(you'll have to unschedule and reschedule them via admin when the problem's resolved)
Check your webserver logs to see what the hits were.
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License violation: Max Hits

Post by brozen0 »

Unfortunately it isn't working at all..I can't even get into it.

We didn't purchase a license and I'm not even convinced that it would help (assuming the daily walks are what's causing the problem).

When I type in "texis -wipesched" I still get "000 License violation: Max Hits".

The web logs don't show anything close to the number of hits that webinator is reporting -- thus it's apparently the nightly walk that's creating the problem.

Any other ideas?

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License violation: Max Hits

Post by mark »

Make sure any "texis" processes are stopped.
The license will clear itself after a day unless it keeps getting hit. If your site has any links to the search you should add /texis/ to your excludes to make sure you're not walking the search results.
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