Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by davidtg »


We're running Commercial v2.56 of Webinator (still), ran without problems for the past many years, and the server it was running on (Win2k server OS) has been rebuilt with Windows 2003. The problem I'm seeing is that our scripts to walk (gw.exe) sites fail when the pdftotx.exe plug-in is one of the walk options. Site walks without this option run fine.

During the troubleshooting I copied \bin and \db folders to another server runnin Win2k OS. I find the gw walk runs without error when indexing pdf. So I'm left to think there is an OS compatibility issue with the pdftotx.exe plugin.

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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by John »

I'm not aware of any problems. Are there any messages or other symptoms as to why the walk fails?
John Turnbull
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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by davidtg »


The walk hangs when ever the pdftotx options are used. The gw.exe process pegs at 100% CPU and only way to halt is to kill the gw.exe process. Logs have no entries either. When the pdftotx option is removed the walk runs fine. The path to the pdftotx is correct (if not I get an error message it isn't found).

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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by Kai »

There were some exec problems in the Windows version (particularly with pdftotx/anytotx) that caused hanging, at 100% or sometimes ~0% CPU. These have been fixed in later releases. It's a race condition that's not necessarily tied to OS revision; can happen on any Windows OS, but not always under the same conditions. An upgrade to the latest Webinator version will fix the problem.
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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by davidtg »

Will I guess that may be what we have to do...though I've just now been attempting a test setup with v4.0 which we received a license for since we purchased v2.56 so near v4.0 release. And I'm seeing the same issue with dowalk hanging when .pdf/.doc are included in the walks. Was this known issue still in v4 and fixed in v5...don't want to purchase the upgrade and still be dealing with this problem.

Thanks for the help, David
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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by Kai »

There were some partial fixes in later 4.x versions; they alleviated the issue in some instances, but in others just caused CPU to go from 100% to 0% (still hangs).

Version 5 releases after 2005-10-07 should completely fix the issue.
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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by davidtg »

Thank you for the info. I'll call at some point and see what our purchase/upgrade options will be. I did get v4.0 to work on a Win2k3 server w/pdf walked successfully - so you're correct about the issue affected some and not other installations.

Let me ask - is there are good post or faq on upgrade issues/difference going from 4.x to 5.x. The 2.5x to 4.x is a major change (scripts, dowalk, admin UI) but that 4.x to 5.x would be an easier transition.

Thanks David
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Win2003 Server Compatible with v2.56?

Post by mark »

Version 5 is structurally similar to 4 so it's not a traumatic a change as 2 to 4 was. See the webinator product page for major new features in version 5. You will need to do a complete new walk of a profile to take full advantage of all of version 5 features.
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