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Post by gweinstock »

We're getting the error: Timeout
Your request exceeded the time limit. Please try again. 000 /search:494: Timeout
_Whenever_ we search for something. I originally set the timeout for our profile to '-1' and that seemed to help, but now the problem is reoccurring. Here are the server loads if this helps:
Load: 2:36pm up 1 day, 5:00, 0 users, load average: 34.42, 35.90, 38.48
I'm not sure how to interpret those numbers to see if it is unusually high. Any help would be much appreciated.
Gabriel Weinstock
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Post by mark »

The fetch timeout setting doesn't affect the search timeout.

Your system is dramatically overloaded. Use your system's tools such as top, ps, etc to find out what's killing it.
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