New Linux Texis Install

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New Linux Texis Install

Post by danlane »

Is there by any chance something wrong with the webinator-5.1.tar.gz file? The directions say to "sh ./install" after I extract the files. However I have been unable to find any file named install anywhere in the tar file I downloaded.

I thought maybe there was an issue with just the libc2.2 version I was downloading so I also downloaded the libc2.3 version. The tar files are identical. (My file comparison shows them byte for byte identical)


Dan Lane
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New Linux Texis Install

Post by John »

It looks as if there was an issue with the 2.3 version that we have fixed. The 2.2 should have been OK, maybe you downloaded the 2.3 both times?
John Turnbull
Thunderstone Software
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