Webinator Professional Version trying to contact license server ?

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Webinator Professional Version trying to contact license server ?

Post by jean-pierre.queille »


Though we are using Professional Version for our intranet, I found that the monitor.log file is full of
200 2008-08-05 12:50:58 (1328) Contacting license server
006 2008-08-05 12:51:19 (1328) Cannot connect to ls.thunderstone.com:80: Socket timeout
000 2008-08-05 12:51:19 (1328) Could not contact license server

Not surprising that license server cannot be reached, our server in on our intranet behind a firewall and is not allowed to connect to the outside world.

Everything seems to work fine anyway. So I didn't care at first time. But now I would like to know if this behaviour is normal. And if not, how to fix it.

Complete license information :
Texis Web Script (Vortex) Copyright (c) 1996-2006 Thunderstone - EPI, Inc.
Webinator Professional Version 5.01.1161965127 20061027 (i686-intel-winnt-32-32)

License Information

Current time is: août 5 2008 14:17:44 Romance Daylight Time
Init since boot: août 5 2008 09:13:26 Romance Daylight Time
License created: mars 15 2007 16:59:58 Romance Standard Time
License expires: never
License verified: never
Last verify try: août 5 2008 14:07:46 Romance Daylight Time
Maximum version: nov. 29 2006 05:59:59 Romance Standard Time
Serial number: 68436
Current hits a day: 1211 since août 4 2008 16:21:51 Romance Daylight Time
Previous days: août 3: 2391 août 2: 329 août 1: 555 juil. 31: 995 juil. 30: 2955 juil. 29: 1924 juil. 28: 2646 juil. 27: 2419 juil. 26: 281 juil. 25: 660
Highest hits a day: 3105
Maximum hits a day: 25000
Current table rows: 0
Maximum table rows: 50000
Flags: Non-intranetable Auto growth
Texis flags: Index Trig Del Upd Ins Sel Grant Revoke Viol. no create JavaScript SSL Schema-restricted
Vortex flags: Create Webinator tables Web server
Texis monitor process: pid 1328

I'm also surprised by the flag "Non-intranetable" displayed here.

Thank you for your answer.

Jean-Pierre Queille
EADS Astrium Intranet Webmaster
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Webinator Professional Version trying to contact license server ?

Post by mark »

That's normal. It will always attempt to phone home to see if there are license updates (the non-intranetable flag controls that). But failure is acceptable.
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Webinator Professional Version trying to contact license server ?

Post by jean-pierre.queille »

Thanks. Is it possible to switch this flag (and how ?).
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Webinator Professional Version trying to contact license server ?

Post by mark »

Open a tech support ticket to request a non-phone home license.
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Webinator Professional Version trying to contact license server ?

Post by jean-pierre.queille »

Many thanks for your quick answers!
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Webinator Professional Version trying to contact license server ?

Post by imtiaj.kawser »

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