I have trouble understanding how word forms work.
We have a profile configured to return word forms 'plural and possessives'.
I have 2 questions :
When i search for logo i find a whole bunch of results with 'log' at the head of the search results.
Why does it find 'log' when looking for 'logo' (or loga, logi, loge, logu, logy for that matter)?
Second question :
With word forms 'plural and possessives' i get > 1000 hits
in advanced search when selecting word forms 'exact match' i get about 300 with only 'logo' as expected
in advanced search when selecting word forms 'any word forms' i get exactly the same results (about 300) which does not strike me as normal.
Any idea why?
This happens on appliance 7.x or webinator+ 5.1.88
I have trouble understanding how word forms work.
We have a profile configured to return word forms 'plural and possessives'.
I have 2 questions :
When i search for logo i find a whole bunch of results with 'log' at the head of the search results.
Why does it find 'log' when looking for 'logo' (or loga, logi, loge, logu, logy for that matter)?
Second question :
With word forms 'plural and possessives' i get > 1000 hits
in advanced search when selecting word forms 'exact match' i get about 300 with only 'logo' as expected
in advanced search when selecting word forms 'any word forms' i get exactly the same results (about 300) which does not strike me as normal.
Any idea why?
This happens on appliance 7.x or webinator+ 5.1.88