Appliance Update: texis-7.01.1397... and applianceman-9.1.4

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Appliance Update: texis-7.01.1397... and applianceman-9.1.4

Post by Kai »

Two appliance updates are available: texis-7.01.1397... and applianceman-9.1.4. texis-7.01.1397... provides the following:

* Texis Monitor process was spawning several copies on startup, with errors such as "Only server can set license parameters", before settling down to one process. Resulting active license may have empty or incorrect name/sizes.
* Newlines inside <pre> blocks in HTML are now always LF, for consistency. This may alter the hash for formatted text, causing a duplicate page to temporarily not be excluded as a duplicate during a refresh walk of a pre-existing profile
* Large walks, especially with many URLs at the same depth, now consume less memory (about 4.7KB less per queued URL); less likely to exceed Maximum Process Size
* Multi-part/archive file types now print overall headers (e.g. Subject) as part of top-level output too in anytotx (plugin), not just first sub-part, so walks can more easily parse them as meta data (i.e. without Plugin Split)
* Any ABEND during a walk was not reporting extra information such as URL being processed, JavaScript involvement etc. even when known
* A walk can ABEND with JavaScript enabled in some rare circumstances, even if there are no <script>s nor JavaScript event handlers on the page. Such pages should now fail with "Internal error: Bad JSObject ..." instead of ABENDing the whole walk.
* An <input type="image"> on a form when form.reset() is called (e.g. from event handler) could cause an ABEND

applianceman-9.1.4 provides the following documentation:

* Added RSS Feeds docs
* Added PDF Title Action docs
* Added qAuto JSON-P docs
* Added Max Completions docs
* Custom Headers
* Added !FOLLOW_LINK primer token docs
* Added multi category and cqall documentation
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