I am getting the message:
Pass-by-reference variables not allowed here
when I attempt to compile code with the line:
<BuildMarkupHitLists hitStartList=$&hitStartList hitEndList=$&hitEndList thisFilter=$terms data=$&phrase>
The definition of the function looks like this:
<a name=BuildMarkupHitLists PUBLIC hitStartList hitEndList thisFilter data project="">
I've never seen this before. Moreover, this line of code is several years old and has never been a problem before now!
What does this mean?
Pass-by-reference variables not allowed here
when I attempt to compile code with the line:
<BuildMarkupHitLists hitStartList=$&hitStartList hitEndList=$&hitEndList thisFilter=$terms data=$&phrase>
The definition of the function looks like this:
<a name=BuildMarkupHitLists PUBLIC hitStartList hitEndList thisFilter data project="">
I've never seen this before. Moreover, this line of code is several years old and has never been a problem before now!
What does this mean?