Error while running metamorph search query

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Error while running metamorph search query

Post by barry.marcus »

Not sure what this error means, or what I might do to give Texis more buffers (if I even can do that). It occured when running a particularly complex query

<!-- 011 [backgroundSearch]:434: Buffer size 0 too small (need 8) for item 479 of page 0x6d400e0 of B-tree (temp RAM DBF) in the function fbtgetnext -->
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Error while running metamorph search query

Post by Kai »

It's referring to the available space on a fixed-size page in a B-tree; there's no way to increase the buffer size there. The B-tree is essentially saying it backed itself into a corner somehow.

If you're able to reproduce the error with a relatively small and fixed data set, let tech support know.
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Error while running metamorph search query

Post by John »

Depending on what operations are happening you might try the SQL statement:

set btreecachesize = 40;

to see if that changes anything.
John Turnbull
Thunderstone Software
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