Appliance update: texisScripts 13.7.3

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Appliance update: texisScripts 13.7.3

Post by Kai »

A new appliance update is available: texisScripts 13.7.3. This update includes the following fixes:

* FileType icons in the default XSL Stylesheet no longer have a blue border in older browsers
* Allow downloading of pending key when there's a certificate pending CSR.
* Uploading a server certificate now waits for the command to finish so it can show the new certificate
* Fixed slow performance when viewing all finished profile/system-wide tasks
* Added confirmation page when cancelling the certificate CSR
* Fixed Browse URLs by Folder while using Ignore Case
* Fixed backup system restoring Compound Index Fields rejecting valid values
* PDF and other non-text/HTML document types that contain multi-line meta information (e.g. Subject or Description) may have caused Title or other later meta information to be incorrect, i.e. contain a later meta value (e.g. Linear or Change) instead of the proper one

It is available via the System -> System Setup -> Update Software menu.
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