Is there a way to have texis script read the screen.width screen.height variables from the browser with java script without using cookies? The problem with writing as a cookie is that it only reads after the page has been loaded. So the next instance of the page will have the correct setting but the one that opens does not.
Screenwidth Screenheight Javascript
Screenwidth Screenheight Javascript
Vortex (Texis script) is out of the picture by the time the HTML is delivered to the browser. Any browser interactions have to be done in javascript. Javascript could set hidden form variables or URL query strings to pass data back to texis when the user clicks.
Screenwidth Screenheight Javascript
One possible other way to achieve it is using AJAX, where the initial page is just a skeleton, determines the size, and then does an AJAX request for the content to fill in.
Ideally most screen size dependent code should be done with CSS after delivery of the content, possibly using AJAX to pull in more content if the initial delivery is insufficient.
Ideally most screen size dependent code should be done with CSS after delivery of the content, possibly using AJAX to pull in more content if the initial delivery is insufficient.
John Turnbull
Thunderstone Software
Thunderstone Software