Appliance update: texisScripts 17.3.1

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Appliance update: texisScripts 17.3.1

Post by Kai »

A new appliance update is available: texisScripts 17.3.1. This update contains the following fixes:

* Fixed javascript error when mouse hovering over appliance dashboard graphs
* Make sure apache logs are visible.
* Fixed query autocomplete when the search term or a suggestion ends in a backslash
* Fixed Top Query Words report possibly containing a blank entry
* Log Viewer improvements: was sometimes erroneously reporting problem sending email. Non-text files (e.g. utmp, core files) are detected and not shown as garbage; downloaded as-is without corruption. Download links offered for each log viewed. Multiple-file downloads prevented.
* Make sure drive details show when more than one controller installed on Gen3 hardware (eg Medium).
* List/Edit URLs page now has option to Download all URLs
* Successfully mounting a network share no longer displays the list of mounts twice
* Fixed some errors breaking the javascript dropin interface
* Now better handles the internal error state of multiple copies of same setting
* Fixed malformed Last-Modified dates loging to the profile's walk log
* Removed redundant Enterprise setting, existing values have been merged into Accept Domains
* Test Fetch now warns when there are non-default settings that could affect page content and can't be demonstrated in Test Fetch, like Remove Common or Max Depth; some trace messages now fixed-font for readability; better header displays
* Network filesystem mount errors no longer display the password in the command line
* Allow multiple data directories for profile creation
* Fixed saving System-Wide Settings not clearing search settings bundles
* A site: clause is now ignored with a warning message when the syntax is not enabled, instead of silently treating it as a literal term
* A `site:' or `link:' clause at the start of a meta search query, or at the start of a regular profile query but with leading spaces, was causing an erroneous `At most one link:/site: clause permitted: Extra ignored' error message
* robots.txt and its linked sitemaps (if any) were being walked on Refresh for Single Page URLs, potentially erroneously increasing the size of the walk
* Fixed bestbet priorities not being maintained through metasearches
* Fixed parametric fields not being extracted from Google Feeds

This update is available via the System -> System Setup -> Update Software menu item.
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