webinator logs?

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webinator logs?

Post by Thunderstone »

I had a question from a user...
I was wondering if Webinator logs the search terms people enter.

It would be great to review them and see what people are searching for
on the Intrnet/Intranet. It would probably help us to improve the
usability the services.


Mussa Khiar
Raychem corp

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webinator logs?

Post by Thunderstone »

You can perform logging to a table provided for that purpose. It is not
done by default.

There's a table called "querylog" in the database which is for use
in query logging. It has 3 fields:
id counter
Client varchar
Query varchar
You just do something like:

<if $query ne "">
<sql "insert into querylog values(counter,$REMOTE_HOST,$query)"></sql>

Just after the "<search>" call in the "main" function of the default
search script. You could log any other desired information in the
Client and Query fields. You could also do it at some other point in
the script if you wanted to log different things.

Read the log with SQL select statements:
gw -s "select * from querylog"
Or get fancy and write a Vortex script to process and print it out.

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