Manual Uninstall?

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Manual Uninstall?

Post by murray_dave »

Hi there guys,
Just had a hell of a day trying to get webinator to work. A tip for your techies. I see quite a few IIS users complaining anout 404 not found errors when trying to run /scripts/texis.exe/ccasearch/search the error is not always a incorrect install AS I FOUND! If you have installed Microsoft's URLScan tool it will deny urls with ".exe" in them ... just giving a 404 not found error. So Add this to your list of to-look-fors.

Anyway the real question .. I installed v4 beta ... and uninstalled it after finding the problem ... I then reinstalled v2 after rebooting ... now I get

<b>Texis Web Script (Vortex) Copyright © 1996-2001 Thunderstone - EPI, Inc.
Free Webinator Version 4.00.997808692 of Aug 14, 2001 (i686-intel-winnt-32)

000 Oct 8 11:02:57 /ccasearch/search: Corrupt object file: Bad command length at IP 0x0000 in the function vx_okip </b>

I have removed the texis dll and all folders and installed again .. no joy .. how do I manually remove the beta? what dll's registry entries etc ect ..

Any help would be appreciated.

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Manual Uninstall?

Post by mark »

Thanks for the note about URLScan. How did you get around the problem?

There's an uninstall with version 4 that will take care of most things. You may need to remove the old .vtx files and possible INSTALLDIR/*.log .
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Manual Uninstall?

Post by murray_dave »

Thanks Mark,
in c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv is where the urlscan places itself in a folder called urlscan (funnily enough). The config settings are in "urlscan.ini" ... so much for the registry and ADSI huh Just remove ".exe" from the banned extentions and add it to the ok ones.

Have a great day.

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