Monitor starting automatically

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Monitor starting automatically

Post by brozen »


How does monitor start automatically so that the scheduled walks can take place? Do I need to put anything in the init run-level scripts (Linux) in order to make this happen or does the first time a search is done make the monitor script start-up?

If it's the latter, then does that mean that the walks won't happen automatically UNTIL after at least one search is completed?


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Monitor starting automatically

Post by Kai »

On all platforms, the Texis monitor is started (if not running already) the first time any Webinator/Texis program is run, eg. searches or admin. However it does not automatically start otherwise, except on Windows.

For Windows machines, the monitor should be registered as a service so it starts on boot. The install attempts to do this; you can also run monitor -R from the command line to ensure it's registered.

For Unix machines, you would need to run /usr/local/morph3/bin/monitor in your startup scripts, *after su'ing to the CGI user*, not as root.
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Monitor starting automatically

Post by brozen »


I set all of the DBs I have to rewalk automatically at 2am daily and I'm experiencing some problems with that. I just went into the setup just to verify that that is indeed the configuration and it is.

One of the DBs hasn't been rewalked in three days already, another one rewalked 100 times last night, another one works every other night.

Essentially, it's very strange. They all have the same Daily frequency for 2am -- but can you explain the behavior?

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Monitor starting automatically

Post by mark »

Make sure you're using the latest dowalk and webinatoradmin scripts from the website.

From a shell prompt run
texis -LS
to get the schedule list. See if it agrees with what you think it should be. If not, unschedule everything from the admin interface, run
texis -wipesched
then reschedule everything from the admin interface and see if that fixes it.
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Monitor starting automatically

Post by brozen »

I just downloaded the whole package no more than 10 days ago, so I imagine I have the latest scripts.

In any case, part of the response for the problematic DB when I use "texis -LS" is this:
Next run: 2002-09-24 02:00 (1d 14h ago)
Last run: 2002-09-23 23:58 (1d 16h ago)
First run: 2002-09-21 15:54 (4d 0h ago)

You see how the next run is a date in the past? I bet there's a bug somewhere that's causing that -- because that doesn't make any sense and is probably why the thing runs hundreds of times every night.

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Monitor starting automatically

Post by mark »

try the unschedule, wipe, reschedule procedure described above.

make sure you're always running texis and any of it's programs as the same non-root user. make sure all of the files in the databases (including the default database INSTALLDIR/texis/testdb) are owned and writable by that user.
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