CGI Error

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CGI Error

Post by niklaus.haldimann »

hi there

it seems like i had the same problem some time ago ( ... 3cf39a0710), but bear with me. ;) this time i'm trying to install webinator commercial version on iis5. directories and permissions are set correctly as far as i can tell. the monitor service has been installed with administrator privileges and is running. but when i try to access texis.exe over the web (also with any vortex scripts) i get a 500 cgi error. i can run texis.exe from the shell and it does return expected error/status messages.

i've tried many things, but i am not even able to get any kind of diagnostic output from either the webserver or the texis. what kind of misconfiguration can lead to cgi errors? do you have any recommendations as to debugging procedures?

thanks & cheers
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CGI Error

Post by mark »

A 500 error generally means that the webserver detected a bug in itself. It just happened to be brought to light by what you were doing. You might check microsoft for updates to IIS.
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2002 7:18 am

CGI Error

Post by niklaus.haldimann »

i could make it work. iis had restrictions on the execution of scripts and executables. thanks anyway.

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