Installation on Win2K

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Installation on Win2K

Post by nkulkarni »

We have purchased commercial version of texis.

When I was installing texis on a Windows 2000 Server

I choose c:\MORPH3 as the default installation folder.
I choose the scripts folder as c:\inetput\wwwroot\scripts.

After that I copied c:\MORPH3\Webinator to c:\inetput\wwwroot\Webinator.

When I type in http://machine/scripts/texis.exe/Webina ... natoradmin in the address bar of the browser
I get the following error message

015 /Webinator/webinatoradmin: Must have a function `main' defined in script
002 /usr/local/morph3/texis/scripts/errorscript: Can't open ErrorScript /usr/local/morph3/texis/scripts/errorscript: No such file or directory
002 /usr/local/morph3/texis/scripts/errorscript: Can't open ErrorFile /usr/local/morph3/texis/scripts/errorfile: No such file or directory

I have not made any changes to any of the files
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Installation on Win2K

Post by John »

John Turnbull
Thunderstone Software
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Installation on Win2K

Post by nkulkarni »

I see file texis.cnf in the folder when I open it in notepad it has special characters like
(character that resembles a small upright rectange)
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Installation on Win2K

Post by nkulkarni »

I opened texis.cnf in winword and saved it with windows encoding. Now it looks good - thanks
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Installation on Win2K

Post by nkulkarni »

When I click on live search, I get this error

002 /Webinator/search: Can't open source file c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Webinator\search: No such file or directory
002 c:\morph3\texis\scripts\errorscript: Can't open ErrorScript c:\morph3\texis\scripts\errorscript: No such file or directory
002 c:\morph3\texis\scripts\errorscript: Can't open ErrorFile /usr/local/morph3/texis/scripts/errorfile: No such file or directory
I have this line in config.cnf

ErrorScript = c:\morph3\texis\scripts\errorscript

What is this errorscript, should I create it?


I also noticed that there is no search script there is a search2 and search4. I think dowalk is trying execute Search
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Installation on Win2K

Post by mark »

Yes, you can create errorscript and/or errorfile to provide custom error handling behavior for major errors such as bad scipt names.

You just need to rename search4 to search. The Texis install provides both search scripts compatible with webinator 2 and webinator 4 and leaves it to the user to decide which they need. For a new install I would suggest using webinator 4 search and "dowalk" for admin as described in the webinator 4 manual.
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