db/ tree not created on install

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db/ tree not created on install

Post by mark »

On the same machine where you're running gw you should find geturl.exe. Run
geturl http://ls.thunderstone.com/
what do you get? How long does it take?
What's your gw version?
gw -version
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by chenjy »

I run "geturl http://ls.thunderstone.com". Here is what I got. It takes 2 seconds. The version is 2.56.

Code: Select all

HTTP/1.0 302 Moved Temporarily
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 17:36:33 GMT
Server: Thunderstone-Texis-Vortex/3.01.986577133 (i386-unknown-solaris2.5.1)
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Set-Cookie: urls=/; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 11-May-2001 17:36:33 GMT
Location: http://www.thunderstone.com/texis/site/pages

<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://www.thunderstone.com/tex
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
  Please see <A HREF="http://www.thunderstone.com/texis/site/pages">http://www.t
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by mark »

Sorry about the delay, we're wondering if your problem may be related to another we've seen recently and are working to replicate it and provide a solution. Will get back to you as soon as we can.
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by mark »

Try again now. If it still doesn't work try
gw -dns=sys -create
If still no go see that there's a file in your system32 directory called texissct.dll . There should be. Check the permissions on it. Make sure it has full control for everyone. (the .dll file might be marked hidden).

Let us know what you find.
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by chenjy »

I tried again, and tried "gw -dns=sys -create" also. I got the same error (Cannot contact licence server) I got before. The permission on the texissct.dll is full control for everyone.
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by mark »

What's your NT version and patch level?

Are you running gw from a standard command window?

Try deleting texissct.dll .

Please give us your IP address so we can check the logs for activity from your system. You may wish to mark the message with your IP as Private.
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by chenjy »

The NT version is 4.0 with Service Pack 4. I run gw in Dos window.

I deleted texissct.dll. I was be able to create the database using gw. But after running the gw, the texissact.dll is created again. I have to delete it again, so I can index the files. After finishing index, I went to "http://mydomain/scripts/texis.exe/webinator/search/" from my brower. I got error said "Can't create object file D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\webinator\search.vtc:Permission denied." I checked the permission on search.vtc. It was read only on everybody. I changed the permission on that file to full control on everybody and tried again. I got the some error. By the way, everytime I hit the URL above. I have to delete the texissct.dll first.

I can't give you the IP address. It is inside the firewall. I can't send you the log file if you tell me which one you want.
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by mark »

Please upload a copy of your texisct.dll to

We don't want access to your machine or your logs. We need the IP address of your machine so we know what to look for in our license server logs.

The directory containing the search script must be writable so that the script may be compiled.

FYI, that's a really old NT service pack. The latest is 6.
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by chenjy »

The ip address is Because it is inside of the firewall. You might not be able to find this ip address in your log file. Looking for the ip address start with 207.239.118....

I tried to ftp the texisct.dll to
ftp://ftp.thunderstone.com/pub/people/chenjy/. I got permission denied error.

I changed permission on the directory containing the search script. Now I am be able to do search. But I have to delete the dll after each click.
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db/ tree not created on install

Post by mark »

Sorry, now you should be able to upload.

This is a strange problem we have not experienced before with NT. NT Webinators generally work just fine. Hopefully the contents of that file will shed some light on it. Thanks for your patience.
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