pae not comin gup in search

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pae not comin gup in search

Post by anixyz »

One of our pages is indexed by search engine but not coming up in the search results. the word we are searching is present in Title, Meta and Body fields of the page in the data base. What could be possibly wrong here

Thanks in advance
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pae not comin gup in search

Post by mark »

Is the search index up to date? (gw -index)

Find out what's stored in the database for that page:

gw -s "select * from html where Url=''" | more
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pae not comin gup in search

Post by anixyz »

Yes, the site is indexed everyday and the database has all the data (title, meta and body)of the 'page' in the html table. The page is not coming for any of the words present on that page.
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pae not comin gup in search

Post by mark »

What's the word (it's not noise like "the" or something is it)? Have you used any -k options (if so what)? Can you give the url for your search?
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pae not comin gup in search

Post by anixyz »

I am searching for "sales order desk" .The page is from our intranet site. The search displays many other pages except for the intended one which has "sales order desk" in its Title, Meta and Body in the html table.

The Url of the search is: ... order+desk
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pae not comin gup in search

Post by mark »

hmmm, I guess I'll need to see the output of
gw -s "select * from html where Url=''"

Also, I see you've customized the search script. Is it possible that something you did is suppressing the hit for that page? Try the default search script to see if it shows up that way.
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