Webinator 4.3.3-Unix-w/plugin

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Webinator 4.3.3-Unix-w/plugin

Post by tmarino »

Just got the following errors when installing Webinator 4.3.3-Unix-w/plugin. Should I try a reinstall?


Creating tables in control database /usr/local/morph3/texis/testdb .

175 [webinatoradmin](selectwalk) 2401: Table options not found in data dictionary in the function opendbtbl 115 [webinatoradmin](selectwalk) 2401: No such table: options in the database: /usr/local/morph3/texis/testdb/ 000 [webinatoradmin](selectwalk) 2401: SQLPrepare() failed with -1 in the function prepntexis
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Webinator 4.3.3-Unix-w/plugin

Post by mark »

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