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User Equivalence File

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:42 pm
by msteflea
I'm having some trouble setting user equivalents.
The vortex script is running on Windows.
I have created the eqvsusr with "backref eqvsusr.lst eqvsusr" in the D:\MORPH3 folder.
The texis db and the vortex script are on C drive C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\texis
I have added the following lines to the vortex script based on previous postings:

<apicp eqprefix "D:\MORPH3\eqvsusr">
<apicp keepeqvs on>
<apicp alequivs on>

It doesn't read the eqvsusr file but instead it seems to activate the main equivalence file when I add <apicp alequivs on> which I don't want.

I have tried also <apicp ueqprefix "D:\MORPH3\eqvsusr"> or moving the eqvsusr file on the C drive using relative path with no results. The eqvsusr file has only 2 lines for now:

The eqvsusr has to be located in the MORPH3 folder?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

User Equivalence File

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:25 pm
by mark
That should work as long as eqvsusr is readable by the texis process. View the source of the results page to see if there are any error or warning messages within html comments.

The file may be anywhere that is accessible by texis. If you're running IIS with the default restricted user you won't be able to access any network drives.

User Equivalence File

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:29 pm
by msteflea
Thank you, it is working, my previous results were not very concludent.

Re: User Equivalence File

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:55 pm
by byter
msteflea wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:42 pm Hi,
I'm having some trouble setting user equivalents.
The vortex script is running on Windows.
I have created the eqvsusr with "backref eqvsusr.lst eqvsusr" in the D:\MORPH3 folder.
The texis db and the vortex script are on C drive C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\texis
I have added the following lines to the vortex script based on previous postings:

<apicp eqprefix "D:\MORPH3\eqvsusr">
<apicp keepeqvs on>
<apicp alequivs on>

It doesn't read the eqvsusr file but instead it seems to activate the main equivalence file when I add <apicp alequivs on> which I don't want.

I have tried also <apicp ueqprefix "D:\MORPH3\eqvsusr"> or moving the eqvsusr file on the C drive using relative path with no results. The eqvsusr file has only 2 lines for now:

The eqvsusr has to be located in the MORPH3 folder?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

With no luck, I've also tried aspic ueqprefix "D:MORPH3eqvsusr"> and moving the eqvsusr file from the C drive to another location using a relative path. For now, there are only 2 lines in the eqvsusr file:
furniture, couch, chair, table

Re: User Equivalence File

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:34 pm
by mark
Did you do the backref step to compile your list into a binary file to use with apicp?
Make sure the file's perms are such that the user running texis has permission to read it.
Also, remove the spaces from the source file before running backref.