I use Thunderstone webservice data load to index documents , in All Walk Settings ,i set Data from Field section to replacing the data of Title to Doc_Title( Doc_Title is a text meta data in my profile ) but it's not working .
REX Search - (Empty)
Replace - (Empty)
From Field - Title
From Meta Field - (Empty)
To Field - Doc_Title
For information the webservice client is a .net application.
I would like to copy the contents of Title in Doc_Title, because for the PDF document I can not extract the full title of the document indexed, and as the engine Thunderstone does it well.
Yes, I made a new indexing and the problem still exists.
I insist that I use rawData and metadata for indexing PDF documents via Data load web service.
It looks like the dataload system currently does not use Data From Field. Dataload was originally implemented as a "here use these fields directly", and RawData was added at a later time.
This will probably be changed with a future scripts update (we understand the desire for it), we're currently checking on feasibility.