Installation not correct - Unknown version

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Installation not correct - Unknown version

Post by barry.marcus »

This is an issue for which I've seen past posts. But I can't get it to work correctly.

We're trying to run some tests outside of our normal production, so we thought we'd install Texis on a separate machine for this purpose. I went through the installation without error. Now when I give any command I get this:

Texis Web Script (Vortex) Copyright (c) 1996-2011 Thunderstone - EPI, Inc.
Unknown Version 6.00.1317406931 20110930 (i686-intel-winnt-64-32)

011 Texis Monitor process failed to create license segment
000 Cannot get config settings

I tried putting the license.upd file in the installation dir and running

texis -update

That doesn't help. How do I tell if my license will allow what I'm trying to do. If it does, I'm at a loss to know what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for your help.
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Installation not correct - Unknown version

Post by John »

Did you go through the normal installation process? Is the Texis monitor service installed and started? You could try (re)starting that service.

It sounds like a possible permissions issue if you are running as a user that does not have permission to create global objects.
John Turnbull
Thunderstone Software
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