Windows 2003 and Webinator 6.1 installation

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Windows 2003 and Webinator 6.1 installation

Post by bietz »

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Windows 2003 and Webinator 6.1 installation

Post by mark »

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Windows 2003 and Webinator 6.1 installation

Post by bietz »

Thanks that got me to the admin screen.
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Windows 2003 and Webinator 6.1 installation

Post by mark »

Synopsis of that article for reference:

"You can disable the v4.0 ASP.NET extensionless URL feature on IIS6 by setting a DWORD at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0\EnableExtensionlessUrls = 0. After changing the value, you will need to restart IIS in order for [it] to pick up the change, because it is only read once when IIS starts. Note that for Wow64 (i.e., 32-bit worker process running on 64-bit OS), this registry key must be set at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0\EnableExtensionlessUrls."
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Windows 2003 and Webinator 6.1 installation

Post by bietz »

Thanks that worked...
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