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Proximity search question

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:19 pm
by rabbott
I discovered a couple of things.

The reindex statement I was using looked like this:

set keepnoise='on';set delexp=0;set addexp='\punct{1,5}';set addexp='\alnum{1,99}';set addexp='>>\alpha{1,50},=\alpha{1,50}';create metamorph inverted index idxmauthor on tbltest(AUTHOR)

If I just use this: create metamorph inverted index idxmauthor on tbltest(AUTHOR)

Then my searches are correct.

I also found that if I make an edit to the table, regardless of which field is edited, the search then yields more hits.

So if I change my index statement and don't edit the table, I get the correct results. Strange!