I cannot find any explanation of the fields in the query log. We get:
Date IP What Query IndexCount Url RankOrder RankProx RankDFreq RankWFreq Lead Proximity Suffixes BestBetGroup BestBet ForwardedBy
Some of the entries in Index count, which I am assuming is the number of searches on a term are way to large to be real. Can someone help or point me to a post. I could not find any related posts when I searched.
Date IP What Query IndexCount Url RankOrder RankProx RankDFreq RankWFreq Lead Proximity Suffixes BestBetGroup BestBet ForwardedBy
Some of the entries in Index count, which I am assuming is the number of searches on a term are way to large to be real. Can someone help or point me to a post. I could not find any related posts when I searched.