Getting error message when trying to do walk

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Getting error message when trying to do walk

Post by john.waldo »

We moved our pages to a new server and now all walks are failing. Any ideas on what we missed? Here is the error we are getting:

At date/time : 2016-06-15 02:05:33
The link :
Had this error: Timeout sending data to in the function htbuf_flushnblk
2016-06-15 02:05:34 12052 dispatch: End of report.

Thanks for any ideas of where to point me to.

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Getting error message when trying to do walk

Post by mark »

My first guess would be that there's no/bad route or firewall between the appliance and the new server.

Use Test Network and Servers to probe.
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Getting error message when trying to do walk

Post by john.waldo »

Thank you I will look into that.
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