Superb Tool and Superb Support! Thanks!

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Superb Tool and Superb Support! Thanks!

Post by Thunderstone »

I would just like to give all you guys some well deserved pats on the back ...
First of all for your magnificent Webinator product, and Texis Scripting
language. By making these things free to "small users" like myself, you are
doing yourself a great service as we will definitely help advertise your great
products for you.

Your technical support as well was superb. Over the last three weeks, I worked
very hard to set up Webinator in an environment where my personal machine was
Windows 95, and my Hosting Service had Windows NT IIS. I had about four major
stumbling blocks along the way, all of which were fairly quickly resolved
either by the great documentation and searchable message archive on your
website, or by your technical staff who quickly answered the questions I asked
via your maillist.

Along the way, I made a large number of customizations added special features
to the basic Search script you provide. The two little "gotchas" you put in on
the free version of Webinator (i.e. the "Thunderstone Webinator" on the Title,
and the copyright at the end) are fine by me, and I was even happy to add
another link to your site on my search output to give you credit for developing
the tool.

I invite you to come and see what I've done with your product at:

Keep up the great work!

Louis Kessler
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Web site:

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