ROM centos
# Add a texis user
# Install ncurses (ltest)
# Hopefully can do away with ncurses in future
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash texis ; yum -y install ncurses-compat-libs perl
COPY usr /usr
ENV PATH="/usr/local/morph3/bin:${PATH}"
# Fix up perms
RUN chown -R texis.texis /usr/local/morph3 ; chmod u+s /usr/local/morph3/bin/monitor ; texis -license ; rm /usr/local/morph3/bin/vhttpd ; cp /usr/local/morph3/bin/monitor /usr/local/morph3/bin/vhttpd ; chmod u+s /usr/local/morph3/bin/vhttpd
FROM centos
# Add a texis user
# Install ncurses (ltest)
# Hopefully can do away with ncurses in future
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash texis ; yum -y install ncurses-compat-libs perl
COPY --from=0 /usr /usr
ENV PATH="/usr/local/morph3/bin:${PATH}"
# Launch script that starts monitor, and fixes up resolv.conf if it doesn't end with newline
Odd, thought at least it looks like vhttpd started up, but there are still permission problems. It might make sense in your situation to have vhttpd listen on a different port (above 1024, e.g. 8080) so that it doesn't need root permissions, and then it can do everything as an ordinary user. You should still be able to configure kubernetes to have the service available on port 80 if you prefer.
Now that I have vhttpd working in kubernetes, I've noticed that memory has been rising while doing a load test on a vortex script. I emptied out the script so that it does nothing, and still noticed that memory still rises as seen in the attached pic. Do you know of any memory leaks within vhttpd?
Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 8.54.46 AM.png (30.95 KiB) Viewed 13316 times